
Good posture matters

forward neck posture

Did you know that 65.3% of the population has bad posture? Poor posture can effect your overall health, appearance, confidence and aging process. At McPosture we are dedicated to help you get your good posture back. Discover more about posture and your health, posture solutions such as exercises, stretching and posture correctors, posture research, and much more…

Good posture matters

Did you know that 65.3% of the population has bad posture? Poor posture can effect your overall health, appearance, confidence and aging process. At McPosture we are dedicated to help you get your good posture back. Discover more about posture and your health, posture solutions such as exercises, stretching and posture correctors, posture research, and much more…

body posture

Information about posture


Which type of yoga is best for posture?

The best types of yoga for improving posture focus on strengthening the core, enhancing flexibility, and promoting proper alignment. Hatha Yoga is an excellent exercise for beginners

Can posture correctors help with scoliosis?

Posture correctors can help people with scoliosis, especially those with mild spinal curvature. These devices are designed to help realign the spine and improve posture by supporting

Are posture correctors suitable for children?

Posture correctors are generally considered suitable for children, especially those with scoliosis. They can help maintain good alignment and prevent the worsening of spinal conditions during the

What materials are used in posture correctors?

Posture correctors are typically made from materials that prioritize comfort, breathability, and effective support. Common materials include neoprene, which is used for its softness and breathability. Many

Do posture correctors weaken muscles?

When used appropriately, posture correctors do not weaken muscles. They are designed to help align the spine and train the muscles to maintain proper posture. However, overreliance